Saving us from ourselves
You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming… But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. (1 Peter 3:11-15)
As I read this scripture early this week the Words “Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation” struck a chord of remembrance. During a homily, Father shed light on what this truth means in our day to day lives. At any given time whether we are aware or not we are waiting on God’s answer to prayer. We are waiting for fulfillment of somekind: restoration to health, new life within our family, provision of a new house, or new job, creation of fellowship in a new friendship or a new romance. At any given time in life we are waiting on something. I used to be a very impatient waiter. Once an idea sprung into my head, I was ready for its fulfillment yesterday. Often times in my impatience I have been known to settle. I rush in with my solution to my need or want without waiting on the Lord’s patience. God works in our very secular experiences to teach us His greater truths. As I read these scripture passages what came to mind was the evolution of our family vacations to Disney. On our very first trip to Disney 23 years ago we were consumers of the highest degree: fear of missing out. I thought this might be the ONLY trip to Disney and so we had to see everything, eat everything, and along the way buy SOMETHING from each section of each park. I wanted to hold onto this vacation long after we left. Before we even got on the plane several of these momentos had lost their shine, many more shortly after returning home. Two years ago we made our most recent trip to Disney with our adult kiddos. Much has changed with our approach. We know where the best food is to be found. We know the rides that suit our fancy. And we don’t buy much of anything until the final days of the trip. Instead as we go along we take pictures of the items that catch our fancy. Towards the end of the trip we make wiser decisions about which items we will truly treasure and use and be reminded fondly of our time together. In other words, we have learned the art of exhibiting patience in consumption to allow for the greatest experience. So what is it that caught my eye and mind in this scripture? Our Lord’s patience means salvation. When we are waiting on the fulfillment of our desires and we are growing impatient with God’s timing ,we are called by St. Peter to be found at peace in Him. Why? This is where Father shared wisdom weeks ago. When God seems slow to answer prayer, He is demonstrating Holy Patience. The patience to wait until the greatest good can be achieved in the answer to our prayer, our dreams, our desires. God’s patience is indeed our salvation because as we wait in peace, trusting Him, He is drawing us always into greater holiness. I have reminded myself of this truth often in the past weeks (evidence of its’ timely deliverance). It is okay that this dream or desire (fill in blank) has not been fulfilled. God is being patient where I am impatient. He is not acting out of anger, or spite, or disappointment, but out of Love and His desire to bring me fully into His kingdom.