See, I am doing a new thing in you

I am going to share a moment of God breakthrough that occured several weeks ago in the midst of my airport circling. I was working with a friend who is an artist with her Cricut machine and we were putting together signs for the bake sale I was running for our church car show and picnic. I am sharing this with you now because I am indeed doing a new thing through this blog space. Molly and I were talking about my writing and she too had noted the absence of my writing and inquired about it. I again used the analogy of a plane circling the airport not knowing where to land. I shared that I have been sharing my scriptural reflections for three years now. For the Catholics out there you may realize the significance of this. The Catholic Church cycles through the bible almost in its entirety every three years. By faithfully reading the Church’s daily scripture over the past three years, I too had cycled through the whole bible. One of the thoughts I had in prayer one morning was, “Am I really bringing any new insight to my writing or am I recycling?” With this came a desire to see my blog lead others to their own prayerful reflection of God’s Word. Molly looked at me and jokingly said, “Well would you write me a book that would give me questions to ask myself for the Sunday readings? There’s one out there but it cost $50.00 and I’m cheep.”

Sometimes this is how the Lord works, the key is to learn to recognize the prompt. I told Molly that this was the first time I had caught a glimpse of runway lights. I have no idea if this is the runway God wants me to land on, but I am landing this plane! I am not taking on a whole book at this point. I am doing a soft launch of this idea with all of you and with a focused group of faithful at our church. This idea of reflecting on the readings has a fancy term in Catholic culture, Lectio Divina. I am leading all of you through Lectio, but with the twist of providing you with questions, brief insights, and prayers that the Holy Spirit inspires as I myself work my way through the readings. I am hoping to post these every Wednesday so that you have several days to chew on God’s Word. Below you will find a link to the Sunday readings per the Catholic calendar. I invite each of you to spend time allowing the Lord to speak more directly to your heart. We can gain wonderful wisdom reading or listening to the insights of others, but ultimately God wants us to hear what He has especially for each of us, because He does have a special message waiting for you and your life in His Word.

Sunday readings

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be taken away, His kingship shall not be destroyed

  • What do these words mean to you? Are they a lived reality or do the circumstances of the world rob you of their truth?

  • The Old Testament is completed in Christ. Do you feel like we have seen the completion of this prophecy yet? In what ways in your own life do you want this to be more of a lived reality, a known truth? God gave these words to you and to me knowing all the times that we would need to lean into their truth.

Psalm 97 The Lord is king, let the earth rejoice

Heavenly Father, help me to declare this with conviction. May this truth make a head to heart connection for me. May You reign supreme in my life that Your reign may bear the fruit of Your peace in my life. Amen.

2 Peter 1:16-19 and Matthew 17:1-9

  • Read the second reading from 2 Peter, read the Gospel, and then reread 2 Peter.

  • Do you recognize that Peter’s letter is a conclusion to the Gospel? Jesus orders Peter, James, and John to keep the transfiguration to themselves until after He is raised from the dead. This letter is Peter’s personal testimony to bring others to Christ! Have you ever used personal testimony of an experience with God as a testimony to others? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you times that He has led you to do so.

  • What is your most compelling story of encounter with God (Father, Son, or Spirit)?

  • We are called to imitate Christ. In the Gospel Christ is transfigured to show His holiness and identity as God’s own son. Where in your life has the grace of God begun the good work of holiness in you? Where are you seeking greater transfiguration? Take this to prayer with our Father, ask, seek, knock.

  • Peter’s own transfiguration is revealed to us in these scripture passages. He goes from confused and bumbling, “If you wish I will make three tents…” to convicted and poetic, “You will do well to be attentive to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”

  • Where are you awaiting the morning star? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you ways that He is at work to bring light to your darkened world.

    The Lord is King, let the earth rejoice!


Stormy Weather

