Build my life

Lord God, Heavenly Father, open Your Word to me in new and exciting ways. May I have the passion of Paul and the inspiration of Peter! May I mirror the “yes” of Eliakim and seek your strength and mercy as the Psalmist. Amen.

Sunday readings

Isaiah 22:19-23 I will thrust you from your office and pull you down from your station. On that day I will summon my servant Eliakim, son on Hilkiah… and give over to him your authority

  • With baptism, God has given each of us authority and He seeks to work with us to bring His kingdom to others. Each “yes” that we give to the Lord blesses us and others by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven present. Each “no” that we give, sends the Lord to another (and perhaps another and another and another).

  • Have you ever thought of the nudges and inspirations towards good that you receive as invitations from God as part of His unique mission for you? (it could be as simple as having a friend come to mind and desiring to reach out) What nudges or inspirations did you experience this past week? What was your response? Was it an immediate yes, a reluctant yes, or did you put it on the back burner?

Psalm 138 when I called, you answered me; you built up strength within me

  • Oftentimes God answers prayer not by changing our circumstance, but by changing us, strengthening us. This is the path to holiness.

  • Where has God strengthened you? It may be patience, generosity, gracefully enduring pain, resisting temptation/addiction. It may be all of these and more! God is Good, Amen! Spend time with the Holy Spirit allowing Him to show you how much you have grown with His grace.

    + Dear Lord, Thank you for the work of your Holy Spirit. Strengthen within me what remains weak and reinforce where I have grown in strength. May these strengths allow me to say “yes” to your inspirtation with boldness. Amen.

Romans 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!

  • Paul is trying to put into words a moment where he fully experiences the awe of God, a moment where his heart and mind are awakened to who God truly is.

  • What about God awes you? Can you spend some time in prayer and with the Holy Spirit pen your own prayer of praise for who God is to you?

Matthew 16:13-20 Who do you say that I am?

  • For some, Jesus is wise, and they seek to model their lives on the examples in His parables. For others, Jesus is a healer, and they seek to encounter Him in the midst of physical or emotional adversity. For still others, Jesus is mercy, and they encounter Him in forgiveness, of themselves and others. Jesus is each of these, and so so much more!

  • Where have you encountered the Lord time and again in your life?

  • Where in your life are you desiring to encounter Him differently? He seeks you there. In prayer, invite Jesus in to that place in your life and tell Him all about it.

Personal Inspiration: This week as I read through the readings I felt my excitement mount much like Paul. Upon reading the first reading, the words, when he opens, no one shall shut, immediately brought me to the Gospel moment of Peter being proclaimed “The Rock” and Jesus echo to the first reading with, “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.” This is what I love, seeing the fulfillment of the Old Testament in the person of Jesus! It brings me such hope and awe in the perfect plan of God.


The Sunday Evening Post


[Pray into it]