Wisdom wins in the end

Lord Jesus, You alone are our hope, not just for eternity, but for right now, each and every moment. Jesus I give you permission to nudge me and remind me to seek Your Wisdom when I am feeling doubtful, anxious, or unsure what to do. Your Wisdom keeps my lamp burning brightly. Holy Spirit fill me with fortitude to stay filled with what is holy and piety to love what is holy. Amen.

Sunday Readings

Wisdom 6:12-16 Resplendant and unfading is Wisdom… found by those who seek her…whoever watches for her at dawn shall not be disappointed

  • A quick Google search brought a definition of wisdom that inspired. Wisdom is skill in the art of Godly living.

  • Where do you seek Wisdom? When you are trying to make a decision, where do you get your input? Taking in the definition above, can you change or add to your sources of wisdom that ensure you are seeking Wisdom and not just wisdom?

  • Weekly challenge: If you don’t already do so, seek Wisdom in prayer as this reading advises (and our Lord often did), spend the very first part of your day in prayer (after the bathroom of course).

Psalm 63 And through the night watches I will meditate on you

  • How often do the worries of the day, the next day, or next year weigh upon you as you lie in bed at night? Perhaps God recommends Wisdom first thing in the morning when we are meant to be tackling life. Night-time is to rest in the assurance of God’s help and to leave it to Him. The next time your mind begins racing, seek not to solve but to rejoice in a God who will be seeking your greatest good while you rest.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 We do not want you to be unaware brothers and sisters, about those who have fallen asleep, so that you may not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.

  • Last week we celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day. These days give us the opportunity to celebrate the reality that this earthly life is not the end all be all. We have eternity, and for those who hope in Christ, we have eternity with Christ.

  • Does your view of death (whether your own or a loved ones) reflect this truth of eternity?

Matthew 25:1-13 the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps.

  • As we await our Bridegroom, our eternity, we are called to keep our lamps lit. Consider that the oil in this parable is that which keeps our faith burning brightly. What is your oil? What animates your faith and keeps you sustained?

  • Are there circumstances that you repeatedly find yourself in where you become the foolish virgin? Do you find yourself in doubt, do you find yourself in great anxiety, or do you find yourself spiritually lazy? If you find your “oil” running on empty often, what steps do you need to commit to in order to avoid this?

  • Our first two readings and the psalm give us some sources of oil: morning prayer seeking Wisdom in how to live and the decisions we make, meditating on the Lord’s provision and entrusting Him with our night, and holding onto the hope of eternity.


The Domestic is not Docile

