The Advent of Advent

“The coming of God’s Son to earth is an event of such immensity that God willed to prepare for it over centuries. He makes everything converge on Christ: all the rituals and sacrifices, figures, and symbols of the “First Covenant.” (CCC 522)

This year, the Lord placed a strong desire for a quiet Advent. He gave me a vision of what could be. An Advent that is freed up to walk closer to His nativity in greater prayer, through the luxury of writing and sharing what stirs my soul, an Advent of Embrace. An Advent not consumed by duties, obligations, and busyness. This required an Advent of Advent. This morning, after a month of extreme busyness, I realize that I have arrived. Advent is here and the fruit of my preparation is felt all around. My teaching obligations are wrapped up for the season, my house is decorated, the gifts have been purchased. The quiet of my house surrounds me and embraces me. I am filled with joy and gratitude. What will I do with these weeks? I will pour myself into the wisdom of others in study, I will spend more time with Jesus in daily Mass and adoration, and I will have my ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’. Over a month ago, God shared an idea for helping others to embrace the season of preparation amidst the chaos of its secularized concept.

Welcome to…

[Emmanuel, God is still in this]

Romans 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.[a] And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

1 Peter 1:16 “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Walking into Target in October I wasn’t expecting to be greeted by a large display of Christmas family pajamas, but there they were nonetheless. Sigh, it wasn’t even Halloween! How many of us have come to resent the consumer culture of Christmas? How many of us have perhaps become numb and blind to it? Resentment and apathy are not the emotions we are called to as Christians. The world has taken a sacred season and turned it upside down, it has taken an opportunity for spiritual growth to become an opportunity of profit margin growth. As I continued my shopping the Lord showed me my negative reaction to His season of Advent and brought me to a hidden truth. The devil may use the consumerism of Christmas to drive the sacred away from our consciousness, but he can’t drive Christ out of Christmas. Emmanuel, God with us, remains. Jesus is there still. Seeds are still be planted. Take those Christmas pajamas for our first example. Consumer culture has taken something cute (initially designed for the kiddos) and created an opportunity for the family to buy not just a set for their children, but for every member of the family (pets included)! Money, money, money! Win! Emmanuel, God is still in this. Christmas pajamas represent unity, they represent family, they conjure images of the joy of togetherness on Christmas morning when the miracle of God’s gift of generosity is displayed under a tree (more on that later ;)) Christmas is about the love of a family, God’s family, which we were all adopted into at baptism. The family of Christianity is in fact about putting on the same clothing, the clothing of holiness. As you wander the aisles of the stores this season and happen upon those Christmas pajamas, remember this wisdom. Emmanuel, God’s message, His hope, remains beneath the surface. Hold that hope in your heart this season. Let us use this Advent to go beneath the surface, embrace the heart of the season, and battle the enemy with his own ammunition. Thank you Lord for family, for your Holy Family, and for Christmas Pajamas.

  • At minute 2:00, This song brings the message powerfully!


O Christmas Tree


A Walk To Remember