Slow Down!
Come, let us climb the Lord’s mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob, tht He may instruct us in His ways, and we may walk in His paths. (Isaiah 2)
I will come to you in the silence. I will lift you from all your fears. In the shadow of the night, I will be your light, come now rest in Me. (Lyrics, You are mine)
This past Saturday, Jeff, Emma, and I slid into church for Mass a cool 4 minutes early. Our sacristan swooped in and said, “Oh good, my reader is here.” Short story shorter? I completely spaced that I was the one reading God’s Word that evening. Emma was home for her first visit since last Christmas and I was caught up in our usual post Thanksgiving “traditions.” I had not bothered to look at my calendar in almost 5 days. On Sunday night I sat down, opened up my planner and faced what I had been subconsciously avoiding. I didn’t have a “free” day until the 18th of December. On Monday I settled into my morning prayer time a little out of sorts (it had been delayed by coffee with Emma). As I read the readings and entered my prayer space two things happened. First, I heard God speak to my situation, [Slow down! Slow down! Slow down!]. Next I was transported back to my childhood in Milwaukee and those same words being called out to me in my rush: to get outside to recess, to get to lunch with friends (especially on Hot Dog day!), to rollerskate, to go to my friend Amy’s house, to get home for dinner. My pace hasn’t changed much in over forty years but the object of my pace has: running errands, cleaning the house, making dinner, doing laundry, helping at church, helping out friends, getting ready for Christmas, getting ready for moving (etc, etc, etc). [Slow down!] The night before (Sunday night) as I drifted to sleep the Lord replayed my day. It was not a Sabbath in any way. It was a production of unboxing every Christmas decoration from thirty years and curating keeps and gives. [Slow down!] God is inviting me to a different Advent. He is inviting me to separate myself from the frenetic pace that I have created. There are still three weeks of Advent left! Advent is about hope after all! What can I do to make room at the Inn of Quiet? Words settle on my heart, [From doing to experiencing]. I find myself asking myself if I can take the time to live my to do list: cookie making, card writing, present wrapping, adoration planning (etc). What if scheduling time becomes scheduling intentionality? The goal then in no longer the completion BUT the completing itself! We tend to be so busy getting through the “to do’s” because we believe the lie that we will then get to the “to enjoy.” I am starting to recognize my truth: I only add more to the “to do.” So yesterday I slowed down. I lived my “to do” from making our bed, to putting away laundry. I found myself able to voice gratitude that normally is overlooked: thank you for a warm bed to snuggle in each night, thank you for the variety of clothes that make me comfortable. How can you slow down this Advent? Spend time in prayer and see what our Savior has in mind.
God, I am in a rush. I am busy. It is my own doing. I want to slow down. I want to experience the wonder of Your creation, Your love, Your hope, and Your peace this season. I can not do this on my own, I fail. Grace me with Your patience, Your help, Your reminders. May I hear and heed, [Slow down!] Amen.