Seize the Day

+ Open our hearts Lord to listen to the words of Your Son. help us to seek You first, last, and always. Give us the humility to accept that our thoughts are not Your thoughts and to ask You what Your thoughts indeed are. Help us to be gracious in the abundant blessing that you give to us independent of what blessings any other has. Amen.

Sunday Readings

Isaiah 55:6-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord

  • Is there an area of life where you are wrestling with the Lord right now? An area where you know that God is calling you one way but you are digging in your heals wanting ‘your way’?

  • God does not call us to live by blind faith and He desires that we desire His will with an open heart. Spend time this week sharing this area with the Lord and waiting for Him to share His wisdom.

Psalm 145

  • The psalmist describes God as: gracious, merciful, slow to anger, kind, good to all, compassionate, just, and holy.

  • Spend time with each word and allow Holy Spirit to recall moments when God has demonstrated each attribute with you.

  • Another way to pray with these words is to reflect on them in light of our own nature. Which of these words is God calling us to live more fully in our present circumstances?

Phillippians 1:20-24, 27 Christ will be magnified in my body

  • What attributes of Christ does your life magnify (hint: the above list from the psalm is a good start)?

I long to depart this life and be with Christ

  • Does death cause you fear and anxiety or do you share St. Paul’s perspective of death being the achievement of all he has worked towards, life fully lived with Christ?

  • I believe that at one point or another in each of our lives we fear dying for any number of reasons. If this is a reality for you right now, spend time with Jesus and tell Him why fear has a hold of you right now. Give Him time to bring His peace into your heart. He has already drawn near just as Isaiah tells us.

Yet that I remain in the flesh is more necessary for your benefit

  • If you are reading this, you are alive, and you share this reality with St. Paul. Your life has purpose. God has a plan for you no matter where you are on the continuum of life.

  • Who can your life benefit? Where is God calling you to labor?

Matthew 21:1-16 The landowner saw others standing idle

  • In the Kingdom of God, are you laboring or are you idle right now?

  • The landowner (aka God) tirelessly returns to bring others into His plan. He comes back 4 times after the initial call. There is a beautiful message here, it is never too late!

  • Where in your life have you experienced generosity beyond your due? Consider this, your loving Father delights in EVERY blessing He bestows and He does it not because you served Him well, He does it because He loves you.

  • Have you ever considered that God does not call us to be a part of His kingdom plan because He needs workers? He calls us to His kingdom plan because He has work for you that will give you great purpose and fulfillment.


I did it my way

