Saturday Evening Post

Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath (Lk 6:1-5)

One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels. Some of the Pharisees asked, “Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?” Jesus answered them, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions.”  Then Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”

We have a chapter of Blessed is She at our parish. Blessed is She is a woman’s catholic fellowship group that works through “studies” of different aspects of our faith. For this summer we engaged in a weekly study on the Ten Commandments, one commandment each week. As I read today’s Gospel our Tuesday night meeting comes to mind as we sat in our circle sharing with each other what, “You shall keep holy the Sabbath”, has meant over the years in our individual lives. Our responses were as varied as we are. When I was growing up there was still a sanctity to Sunday. Most stores were closed, we went to Mass, and breakfast included some sort of sweet roll. For many Christians, if the Pharisees were to spend time with us on Sunday they would probably have a stroke. Thankfully we don’t answer to the Pharisees. Jesus also caused the Pharisees blood pressure spikes. He healed the man with the withered hand, He cast out demons, and He allowed His hungry disciples a snack. I have found myself in many different camps when it comes to the Sabbath: It’s a day like any other day, It’s a commandment that we must strive to follow to the letter, It’s almost impossible to follow so don’t try. If you ask a priest or pastor what this means, you will probably get as many answers as people you ask and that only adds to the fuel of the devil’s ploy to distract us away from simple sacred beauty of the Sabbath. Jesus tells us the answer, “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus seeks to unburden us from “rules” and to lighten our lives with Himself. Should I shop? Can I garden, because that’s therapeutic for me? Can I go to a restaurant if I hate cooking but that means someone else has to “work”? Jesus tells us the answer to each of these questions, “I am the Lord of the Sabbath.” Jesus. What does that mean? I believe it might be as simple as this, what if each Saturday evening Jesus is inviting us to a front porch rocking chair conversation with Him. Jesus is inviting us to share our week with Him. When we share the circumstances of the week with the Lord of the Sabbath, He can help to define our Sabbath one Sunday at a time. Those conversations with our Lord will spark an inspiration for what will really bring us rest and refuel us for the week ahead. The ‘rule’ of the Sabbath is that we give this day to God our creator. Take some time this evening to share your week with Jesus, then be bold enough to ask, “Jesus, what should tomorrow look like for me?” May your Sabbath be blessed, may it refresh you, and may it awaken you to the presence of our Lord. Amen.




Am I my brother’s keeper?