Lectio Collect: Final Take
Almighty ever-living God, Who in abundance of your kindness surpass the merits and the desires of those who entreat you, pour out your mercy on us to pardon what conscience dreads and to give what prayer does not dare ask.
To give what prayer does not dare ask.
Blessed are the meek and humble for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)
We live in a culture of taking what we feel is rightfully ours. We are encouraged to pursue our desires unapologetically. The only person who is going to look out for #1 is me when I am “numero uno.” Humility is knowing and living the truth that I am not Number One. Meekness isn’t mousiness either. Meekness is control. Meekness is holding myself back from taking. Holy Spirit enlightened me with these words, [Meekness is humility in action. Meekness is stepping back and allowing God to step in.] Meekness is trusting that God, who is Love and Mercy itself, will in fact give me far more than I will ever deserve. To dare not to ask, is to let go and let God. Profound! It is through meekness, this discipline of holding back from grabbing, taking, and claiming, that we, as God’s children, can finally be free to receive what God desires to abundantly give. Can I practice the discipline of meekness in my prayer? Can I model The Savior in my moments of need?
Not my will, but yours. (Luke 22:42)
Where in my life am I grabbing? Where am I number one? It is okay to tell The Father why you fear letting this go. Share your heart with Him; going back to the first reflection, starting in prayer is the start of humility. Ask Him for the grace to let go. Ask Him for the grace of trust. Be patient in the waiting. He has been infinitely patient waiting for you to finally let Him be number 1. Let go. Let God. Be renewed. Receive. Amen.