Last Words: a fourth perspective

“You too were with Jesus the Galilean…This man was with Jesus the Nazorean… Surel you too are one of them; even your speech gives you away. (Mt 26:69-75)

[Like moths to a flame] Peter is drawn to safety in numbers, in blending in. The charcoal fire is an added incentive: light in the darkness, warmth in the cold, fellowship in the chaos. Peter is lost without the Lord (we will see this time and again in the days following Jesus’ death and resurrection). Peter has lost his North Star, “Where would we go Lord, You alone have the words of eternal life.” (Jn 6:68) Peter is unmoored. I have had the tendency to feel some indignation towards Peter in this moment, becoming one of the crowd, “Blasphemy! Blasphemy! He deserves to die!” Holy Spirit has opened up for me the redemptive power of Jesus’ word for Peter and for each of us. The very fact that Peter was put in a situation where he denied Christ is redeeming. How many others in the Gospel narratives are accused of being Jesus’ follower? None, only Peter. These accusations speak to the fact that Peter stood out as a disciple. Holy Spirit points out that we are each called to be accused by the crowd of following Jesus. We need to be convicted of the Word, the Truth, and the Love of Jesus in our hearts, minds, souls, and beings, so much so that others point it out in some way. Peter had a moment of human weakness, so do we. Holy Spirit revealed love in what many would consider condemnation,

“You will deny me three time.” (Mt 26:34)

These words spoken hours before were not meant to condemn but to save.

Then Peter remembered the word of Jesus…he went out and began to weep bitterly. (Mt 26:75)

Jesus’ words are what pulled Peter back, they reminded him of who Jesus is, they give him the strength to remove himself from the crowd. Jesus’ words give Peter back his North Star. This is what our Lord and Savior wants to do for each of us as well. We will be tried in this life. We will lose our way. We will try to blend in order to fit in. As Christians, we are called to stand out. We can only do this when we have the Lord’s words written upon our hearts.

“Do not be afraid… I am the way, the truth, and the life…I have called you friends… This is how you are to pray…Love your enemy…Blessed are the poor in spirit…Come, Follow Me…This is my body…Let your yes mean yes…Whoever is without sin may cast the first stone…Rise, pick up your mat…I do will it, be healed…Father, forgive them for they know not what they do…I thirst…It is finished… Behold I am with you until the end of time”

Jesus Words call us back time and time again when we find ourselves in the shoes of Peter. Peter’s betrayal is not inspired to be included in the Gospel narratives to shame him or demonstrate a weakness of faith. Holy Spirit inspired its inclusion to inspire and strengthen each of us to hold Jesus’ word close to our own hearts for our own trials.

In the beginning was the Word (Jn 1:1)

Lord I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but speak the word only (Mt 8:8)

Speak Lord, your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:10)


Hand in Hand


Last Words, a third perspective