House Plans

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen… By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place which he was to reeive an an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was to go… By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised. (Hebrews 11:1, 8, 11)

A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Quiet! Be still!" (Matthew 4)

This week I came under some spiritual attack and my first go at this reflection was lost to the black hole of the internet unsaved. Round two. This reflection could in a way be titled, “A tale of two faiths.” Early last year my daughter Emma followed her gut (read Holy Spirit) and made the decision to end a relationship that at one point was pointing toward marriage. Both Jeff and I were really proud of her for the strength and clarity that she showed in making this decision and so so grateful to our Lord for the sequence of events that prevented a more painful reality down the road. Last summer Emma announced in one of our morning commute calls that she planned to buy a home instead of renewing her lease. She carefully laid out for me her reasons for doing so and her carefully thought out plan of attack. Emma told me that she just felt strongly called to to this at this time. I recognized in her tone, her conviction, and her excitement shades of another phone call when she shared God’s call for her to enter human medicine instead of the veterinary tract she was on. I offerend her my support, enthusiasm, and wisdom as the months went along. Jeff and I watched as our daughter entered a new level of ‘adulting’: picking up extra shifts (a lot of extra shifts!), revamping her budget and spending habits, attending open houses in different communities to get a feel for what her budget might afford her and where, interviewing and selecting a real estate agent and a lender. We watched as interest rates steadily rose, shrinking Emma’s budget. We watched as houses continued to be swept off the market in less than a day for over asking price. We watched as Emma resolutely told me that she trusted that the God who had placed this promise on her heart was going to deliver on His promise. Her faith bolstered my own. January arrived and Emma was finally financially in a place to begin the serious job of house hunting. I went through that first house with her filled with hope only to be knocked down by the reality that pictures told a thousand lies sometimes. Emma was undettered. I began to fret about just what quality of house she would end up in. Then came all the houses she wasn’t even able to see because of her schedule. Emma had a contingency for that. Then came the house that we all thought would be great and the offer that followed only to have 4 other offers on the table and a rejection the following day. Emma was not swayed, Emma was displaying the faith of Abraham and Sarah. I was in the boat with the disciples. I was beginning to focus on the waves and the wind and I was beginning to worry about the lease that may need to be renewed. I went to Jesus. I very honestly told Him that He knew my heart better than anyone. I told Him that I trusted Him to work all things out, but that I am a worrier. I asked our Lord to spare me months of uncertainty. I asked Him to not take this and turn it into a lesson in patient endurance (that my mom quotes often). I put the matter in the One who could do something about all my anxieties. The very next morning a house that had been above budget but that had looked amazing had a price reduction. Emma went through it same day with me on FaceTime. Emma was stepping back into making an offer with the benefit that this house had no offers on it and no showings scheduled, a miracle. This Saturday Jeff and I join Emma for the inspection, her offer accepted!

“Quiet! Be still!”

Jesus loves Emma’s confident unflinching faith. Jesus also loves my faith that can begin to waver with the waves but that goes to Him knowing and trusting that He will meet me with peace. As I pondered all these things in my heart, our Lord showed me the words [House Plans] with that raised eyebrow He can sometimes use. A dream was placed on my heart almost 12 years ago. My own ‘house plan’. In the past year I have allowed the voice of the enemy to convince me to compromise my dreams. I have convinced myself that it is okay, even noble to be satisfied with what I have, to make do. There are indeed times when our faith gives us the strength to ‘make do’, however, in those words, [House Plans] God is reassuring me that the seed of a dream planted long ago will one day come to fruition. I must learn to reflect Abraham, Sarah, and my own daughter more. God leaves me with one more nugget of Wisdom, [Sometimes what stands between a dream and a dream realized is a guarded heart.] Amen.


Sacred Bookends

