Celebrate Good Times, Come (On)

Do this in remembrance of Me. Luke 22:19, 1 Cor 11:24

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

On Monday night Jeff and I attended our final class of The Encounter School of Ministry (not to be confused with the Hogwarts School of Witches and Wizardry). This next Monday, we graduate. Each week for two years Jeff has rushed to get home early while I rush to get dinner on the table by 4:30 so that we can leave by 5:00. Our class doesn’t start until 6:00 and it only takes 30 minutes to get there. Anyone who knows us will attest to the fact that we are not “early” people, we are “on time” people. Why the rush then? One of the most beautiful aspects of Encounter that I will miss deeply is that we enter Praise and Worship (led by some truly gifted musicians) for 30 minutes before class. Our Lord established early on with His chosen people, “Lead with Judah.” In Hebrew Judah is a name that means praise, “Lead with praise.” The content of our studies has been amazing, truly life changing for both of us. I believe it has been so because we have entered into “study” after first entering into praise. God does not give arbitrary rules for His own glory but our own benefit, so that our “joy may be complete.” (Jn 15:11). This past Monday one of the songs struck a deep chord of truth.

When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory. And I realize just how beautiful You are, and how great Your affections are for me. (How He Loves, John Mark McMillan)

On Wednesday as I helped lead Praise and Worship during Wednesday Night Adoration, I led the participants on an activation. I guided the participants to reflect on what is good in their life, anything that is good, and to hold that close to their heart as they more fully entered into the closing song. If it is good, it is from God. On Thursday I attended a “growth” day at the diocese centered on Bishop Rickon’s initiative to enter more fully into his Discipleship Plan’s “Worship Jesus” phase. Bishop provided a “word” that opened my eyes and heart in a new way. “We come to Mass to celebrate the relationship we have with a person, the person of Jesus.” There are a lot of people out there, many of our engaged couples, who just don’t believe or understand why attending Mass is cornerstone. I have often had a hard time articulating what Mass means to me and why it is important for each of us who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior. Bishop gave me the words I have been seeking. We are entering into wedding and graduation season, a season of much celebration. I have thrown a few graduation parties, attended a few more, and weddings are becoming a regular part of our lives again since we head up mentoring engaged couples at St. Bernard. I don’t plan graduation parties for my own benefit. I don’t attend graduation parties or weddings for my own benefit. These are moments in time where I am present to celebrate the people that I have a relationship with and to share a meal with friends and family. Mass is the same. I am not going for me, I am going because He is awesome and I love Him. God started the path of this enlightenment for me on Monday, took me one step deeper on Wednesday, another step Thursday. Each of these moments was precluded with praise and worship. Praise and worship open the door to greater spiritual bounty, think of it as God’s “party favor.” Let’s joyfully accept God’s invitation to the table of celebration. Amen.

Here’s a little something to get the party going…




Hand in Hand