Lectio Divina February 4, 2024

Lectio Divina

Weekend of February 3rd, 2024

Opening Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank you for the faithful who have gone before us marking the way. Thank you for Job's honesty in the face of calamity. Thank you for St. Paul's humility in recognizing his own limitations and the power by which the Holy Spirit animates his life. Thank you for the psalmist who reminds us of all that God accomplishes and that we are called to praise in the midst of our own messiness. Thank you for the disciples witness to approaching Jesus with speed on behalf of another, in opening their homes for others to be attended by the grace of God, and sharing a glimpse into the prayer practice that sustained our Lord and Savior that we too are called to. Help us to be honest with you Lord. Help us to be humble with each other. Help us to lift God's praises independent of the emotion of the moment. May we too run to you, bring others to you, and carve away time for just the two of us. Amen.

1st Reading

Job 7:1-4, 6-7

Job spoke, saying: Is not man's life on earth a drudgery? Are not his days those of hirelings? He is a slave who longs for the shade,a hireling who waits for his wages. So I have been assigned months of misery, and troubled nights have been allotted to me. If in bed I say, "When shall I arise?" then the night drags on; I am lled with restlessness until the dawn. My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle; they come to an end without hope. Remember that my life is like the wind; I shall not see happiness again


Is not man's life on earth a drudgery? I think we have all been Job at one time or another. It can be easy to allow ourselves to become discouraged and hopeless. Are there aspects of my life that feel like drudgery right now? Take these areas to the Lord in prayer. A possible rst question that can kick o your prayerful reection, "Jesus, is this place that wears me down and fails to bring joy something that you are using for my greater good or someting that I am allowing to hold me hostage? Give the Lord space to speak to your heart. Depending on the answer you receive you might continue with, "Jesus what good are You trying to accomplish in this drudgery?" -or- "Jesus, how can I free myself from this chain?"

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 147

R. (cf. 3a) Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted.
Praise the LORD, for he is good; sing praise to our God, for he is gracious; it is tting to praise him. The LORD rebuilds Jerusalem; the dispersed of Israel he gathers.
R. Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
He tells the number of the stars; he calls each by name.
R. Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted.
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; to his wisdom there is no limit.
The LORD sustains the lowly; the wicked he casts to the ground.
R. Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted.


Praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted. Some of the drudgery of life is a product of wounds we have sustained over time. These wounds harden our hearts to the joy that God intends for our life and leaves us going through the motions of 'living the dream.' What wounds do I seek to have healed by the Lord? What words of discouragement have left me empty? What acts of selshness have left me bleeding? God seeks to enter those scarred, bruised areas of our heart and restore them. It is from here that hope is restored. Take your battered heart to the Lord.

2nd Reading

1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23

Brothers and sisters: If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast,
for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!
If I do so willingly, I have a recompense, but if unwillingly, then I have been entrusted with a stewardship. What then is my recompense? That, when I preach, I oer the gospel free of charge
so as not to make full use of my right in the gospel.
Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all
so as to win over as many as possible.
To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak.
I have become all things to all, to save at least some.
All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.


If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me Brothers and Sisters, I myself will not boast here. After reading through this passage a few times I headed to my Navarre Bible for some inspiration. "A Christian has to be ready to share his life with everyone at all times, giving to everyone the chance to come nearer to Christ Jesus. He has to sacrice his own desires willingly for the sake of others, without separating people into watertight compartments, without piegionholing them or putting tages ont hem as though they were merchandise or insect speciments. A Christian cannot aord to separate himself from others, because, if he did that, his life would be miserably selsh. he must become 'all things to all men, in order to save all men'. ~ St. Josemaria Escriva, Christ is Passing By. Spend time prayerfully reecting on this quote. What does Jesus place upon your heart?


Mk 1:29-39

On leaving the synagogue Jesus entered the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John. Simon's mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her. He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them. When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew him. Rising very early before dawn, he left and went o to a deserted place, where he prayed. Simon and those who were with him pursued him and on nding him said, "Everyone is looking for you." He told them, "Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also.

For this purpose have I come." So he went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee.


They immediately told him about her. He approached, grasped her hand, and helped her up. Have you ever had that moment when you suddenly become aware of someone else's need? A moment where you mentally slap your forehead thinking, "I can't believe I didn't lift this person in prayer!" I hope I'm not alone in that. As the disciples grow closer to Jesus and know Him better, they recognize needs that can be brought before Him. I want you to nd a quiet place to spend time with Jesus. Don't bring your agenda, allow your heart to be open to the suggestion of the Lord. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Invite the Holy Spirit to come into this prayer space and to remove the distractions of your mind. Ask Jesus, "Jesus, who would you like me to bring before you in prater so that you can take them by the hand and help?" The Lord will give you names or faces. As each one surfaces ask Jesus to meet them where their greatest need is.


Sunday, February 11, 2024